Thursday, May 25, 2006

Honey From the Tombs

Amy Millan our Toronto girl is releasing her solo album on May 30th. I can't wait! I love her vocals in the band
  • Stars
  • and she has been working on her craft since highschool or even earlier. Amy and Emily Haines from the band Metric are best friends and used to sing and play guitars together back in highschool. She has also sang with Broken Social Scene friends. The rumour is that it has a bit of a country feel to it.

    The title of the new album "Honey from the Tombs" is very interesting it came from something Tom Waits said about how archaeologists were excavating some Egyptian tombs and discovered all these mummies had been buried with honey. When they took the honey out, they found it was as sweet as it'd been when the bodies were buried. It doesn't go bad. A lot of the material on this album dates back to when Amy was 21.

    I heard one song on CBC the other day as a sneek peek and it was great! Click on sonicS on my website sidebar to listen to CBC3 radio where you can find new canadian music. You can search for my playlist under the name sonicS and a Stars song is on it for you to hear.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The album was awesome :)

    5:45 PM  

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