Monday, April 24, 2006

On a Cold and Rainy Night

Sunday night being a cold and rainy night was perfect for a dinner party and it inspired this poem below for you.

On a Cold and Rainy Night
In a house once empty
Now beautifully erupting with sound
Our laughter awakens me
Music giving my feet a voice

Mouths start to water
Aromas and sounds escape the kitchen
Whisk to bowl
Spoon to pot
Knife to cutting board
Sweet, citrus and spice
The feast is yet to come

Merrily reaching out
Hands to glass
Lips to lips
Barco Reale di Carmignano
Breathing, swirling, savoring
All sliding into the warmth

House of friends
Music, food and wine
On a cold and rainy night
I am cold no more

s.a. April 24 2006

Notes: the line lips to lips means peoples lips to the lips of their glass not what you think :)
Barco Reale di Carmignano 2003 is a wine

Friday, April 21, 2006

Blast from the past

Today I was in the book store and saw that there has been a reprint of the book "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance". It has been probably about 15 years since I read this book. I remember it being an incredible read and I think I may revisit the experience again as soon as I finish the two books I have my nose in now.

I just finished "Shanghai Baby" by Wei Hui. The book was not what I had expected but reading it I experienced many emotions laughter, tears, anger and arousal. It was a quick read, just a day or two. Parts of the book stay with you especially the end.

The writer also gives reference to other writers, songwriters and actors. My favourite reference she used was from the book "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" by Milan Kundera which read "Making love with a woman and sleeping with a woman are two seperate passions, not merely different but opposite. Love does not make itself felt in the desire for copulation (a desire that extends to an infinite number of women) but in the desire for shared sleep (a desire limited to one woman)"

Mostly these quotes are found at the beginning of each chapter to foreshadow the chapter ahead This gets you into the frame of mind that she wants you to be in for the next step in the story.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Vintage Clothing

  • Krista
  • who I met on Saturday with my dear friend Stefi used this old saying "grasshopper minds" which really described our day which was amusingly scattered. We were meeting to take pics of the city with Krista for a few pointers as she is a very talented photographer. Well I have to say we never got around to taking pics because we were having too much fun being silly. Instead we met at a great cafe called Grapefruit Moon north west on Bathurst near Bloor. With our coffees in our hands we were laughing and chatting like teenagers and decided to head to Krista's for more laughs looking at and trying on incredible vintage clothing. It was fitting because Krista had recently done a project called the Puss in Boots calander with beautiful tasteful picures of women in lingerie and some of the vintage clothing we were trying happened to be lingerie. It was hilarious and I found a beautiful piece that I kept and I could not resist the two pairs of beautiful gloves. We then walked to the highend vintage store called
  • Paper Bag Princess
  • to sell some of the clothes. It was quite the site as we were carrying clothing bags and hat boxes down the street looking like little princess'. We were buzzed in to the store and escorted to a back room to meet with the owner. She was a middle aged lady from New York with a sophisticated Barbie look to her. As she was picking the clothes and hats she tried on and modelled some of the hats for us and the huge mirror. Stefi was given $1200 for just a few items and the owner said she could turn around and sell them for $2400...Wow! Who would have thought? By this time we were too hungry to do pictures so instead we went for ice cream at Dutch Dreams but we almost cried because when we got there with mouths watering it was closed! Oh dear so another cafe it was. But it did not matter because no matter what obsticle came up or what we were doing this was a great day! Full of laughs and bizzare happenings! Thanks girls for an incredible day :)

    Sunday, April 16, 2006

    Breast Cancer a Letter From a Friend

    Below is a letter from a dear friend asking for help in the fight for Breast Cancer due to her great loss of her inspiring sister. This research is also dear to me as there has been history of Breast Cancer in my family as well as a scare that I had last year. I thank every day that my tests were found to be non cancerous :)

    Hello Family, Good Friends, & Supporters,

    My sister Jacqueline continues to inspire me. During her battle with Breast Cancer she showed me that with strength and courage anything was possible - she feverishly raised money for Breast Cancer through an assortment of Fund Raising efforts, all the while she suffered from Breast Cancer! This took a serious toll on her health, but she was successful in her efforts in raising money for this terrible disease.

    Jacqueline did not win her battle with Breast Cancer; 8 years ago at age 30 she died.

    Today I follow in her Fund Raising efforts and ask for your support. I have been yet again inspired to participate in quite a special kind of event called The Weekend to End Breast Cancer: a two-day, 60-kilometre walk through the neighbourhoods of Toronto, taking place September 8-10, 2006. Proceeds benefit Princess Margaret Hospital, funding important breast cancer research, education, services and care. My goal is to raise at least $3000.00.

    Please take a moment to make your donation today in memory of Jacqueline and support me in this journey to raise money for Breast Cancer. It’s simple click on the link below to my personal page:
  • End Cancer
  • OR simply log on to and search my name in the donate section under “Toronto”.

     Ask how to support me in other eventful crafty ways! Via email:

    Wishes and Big Hugs to all my supporters, Stefani Rotstein

    Monday, April 10, 2006

    What a BEAUTIFUL day!

    The weather is starting to warm up, the crocus flowers are blooming finally it is starting to really look like SPRING!

    The sun has already started to make me silly, a silly poem for you all :)

    Spring is here
    let's get in gear

    wake up, stop sleeping
    dreams are to be lived

    face your fears
    wipe your tears

    Its time to grow
    you must know

    Embrace life and those you love
    reach out with all your heart!

    Its ok to fall
    Its your call

    the sun is here
    for you dear

    nature knows
    she's known for years

    spring is here
    let's get in gear

    s.a. 2006

    Wednesday, April 05, 2006

    My Dad's 63rd Bday

    Wow my Dad is 63! Time sure does fly. We had a great party for my dad and filled the house with friends, family, food and drink :) Little Noah was the best dressed there with a tie and all.

    Last Supper in Bangkok and Notes of Thailand

    Yummy my last supper in Thailand was great! I had a green curry where soon after my first few bites my mouth was on that :) Thai food is all about the chillies! As a beverage I tried Thai iced tea and it was was refreshing with a bit of a spice kind of like Chai but not exactly.

    Few Last Notes I forgot to mention:
    1. In Thailand you will find the people to be very patriotic and the King's pictures will be found everywhere. The King Bhumibol Adulyadej has been in reign for about 60yrs and is almost 80yrs old. Make sure to be respectful of the King if in Thailand.

    2. When visiting a temple make sure to dress properly, long pants/long skirt, long sleeved tshirt/shirt & no open toed shoes. If not some places may have clothing you can buy or rent. Just before entering the temple remove your shoes and be very careful not to point your feet towards the Buddha. As your feet are thought to be the lowest part of your body and this would be sacrilege and if you touch someones head it would also be unacceptable as this is the highest part of the body (temple of the body).

    3. If you see shoes outside a home or business make sure to remove your shoes as well or make it a habbit everywhere you go as most find it disrespectful if you do not.

    4. Shaking hands is not a custom to Thailand but if you do shake hands shake with the left hand. It was told to me that as the right hand is used while in the washroom and that the left hand would be the only hand someone would want to shake. The custom in Thailand is wai which is to put your hands together in front of your face and bow. Note: most bathrooms do not have toilet paper or soap (if so usually there is a surcharge of 5-10Baht) you can buy small packets of toilet paper and I brought tiny pocket purell soaps with me

    5. In Thailand you drive on the left side of the road.

    6. When I kept seeing people with a very long pinky fingernail I thought maybe it was a drug thing and Michelle found out that it actually means prosperity and that this person does not have to do manual labour.

    7. Watch out for the Tuk Tuk driver scams trying to take you to places you do not want to go or charging crazy amounts. They get fuel coupons or money from certain business' if they take you there. This never happened to me luckily as I heard about this in advance and from travellers there. When I got a Tuk Tuk I made sure to get the price up front and to show them where I wanted to go written in Thai by my guest house and as well told the driver only this stop no other stops please.

    8. Using the bus system in Bangkok is pretty easy and most guest houses are very helpful with writing where you want to go in Thai so you can show the bus driver. You can wait for an air-con or non air con bus of course with the air-con being a bit more expensive. When you get on the bus you can sit right away and someone comes around collecting the money. I found the Sky train easy to use as well. You pay a certain amount for each line that you use during your ride into a machine and it spits out a card that you put through the entrance gates and make sure to keep it as you need it at the exit gates.

    9. Many stores I saw had time restrictiions on when to buy alcohol. Between 11am-2pm & 5pm-midnight you could purchase alcohol.

    10. I could not get used to seeing the dirty old foreigner men with young Thai girls...made me sooooo mad!

    11. Make sure when you get there to be patient when dining out as usually if you are out with friends it is most likely that you will not get dishes at the same time...don't worry about it just eat as it comes and we learned not to wait for everyones to come. Some foreigners found this to be highly annoying I did not let it bother me at all, I mean really BE HAPPY you are in Thailand.

    12. As a woman traveller I felt very safe in Thailand. I only heard that it could be dangerous if you travel in Thailand closer to the Malaysian border in the south. This is where bandit and terrorism problems can occur. If you want to travel in that area watch out for travel advisories or do not travel alone.


    The most common method of transportation in Thailand is motorbikes. The most I saw on a motorbike was 4 people. a child at the front, then the father, followed by the mother and another child. Unbelievable.......I would be so scared especially for the children. As well many of the women rode side saddle.....holly crap there is no way you would catch me riding a motorbike side saddle.

    Mango Sticky Rice Recipe

    INGREDIENTS (serves 6)
    2 mangoes
    4 cups of sticky rice (not cooked) soaked in water for between 3hrs or overnight
    2 cups thick coconut milk
    1 cup sugar
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1 tablespoon sesame seeds roasted

    1/2 cup thin coconut milk
    2 tablespoons sugar
    pinch of salt

    Steam the soaked sticky rice for 15-20 minutes until it is cooked. Mix the thick coconut milk, sugar and salt together. Once the rice is cooked put it in a bowl and while it is still hot add the coconut milk, sugar and salt mixture and combine thoroughly. Leave to rest for about 30-50 minutes so that the rice has time to absorb the coconut milk. Mix the sauce ingredients together and set aside.

    When you are ready to serve the dessert, divide the sticky rice into 6 portions and put in seperate bowls. Peel the mangoes and slice thinly. Put the mango slices on top of the sweet sticky rice. Then pour the thin coconut milk sauce over the mangoes and sprinkle the sesame seeds on top and serve.

    Note: the sweet sticky rice can be made ahead of time but should be eaten on the same day