Sunday, July 30, 2006

Jazz Fest Weekend

What a GREAT weekend at the Jazz Fest!! Sun, music, good friends, drinks and good food. There was lots of music to be heard and my fav was the Mae Cromwell Band. They were not only talented but they really knew how to entertain as well. The cops had to shut them down early as the crowd was getting too out of hand :) Adding to the gorgeous weekend was the way the fog beautifully rolled in on the lake. It was unbelieivable it reminded me so much of San Francisco. One moment it would be blue skies with the sun intensely shining and the next minute a beautiful cool fog would roll on in.

The Beaches International Jazz Festival
  • website
  • Saturday, July 29, 2006

    Primal Quest

    These two crazy BC friends of mine Mark Fearman and Gary Robbins were in the "Mind over Mountain" team for an insane Adventure Race and I am so proud of them. This race covers over 800km and lasts up to 10 days. The teams of four travel non-stop using only a map and compass to navigate. Primal Quest is an annual event with a different international location chosen each year. This year was in breathtaking HOT Moab Utah. The race consits of running, biking, paddling and traversing. Next year rumoured to be in South America.

    Check out the
  • Primal Quest website
  • Wednesday, July 19, 2006

    My last day at the RYH

    But not the last day with GREAT friends!! Thank you guys for giving such a nice send off :) Oh and I am wearing the necklace with the tagua from the blog below...

    Saturday, July 08, 2006

    Tagua, the vegetable ivory!

    On Thursday night after Sneaky Dees a few of us went for a walk through Little Italy and of course being girls we had to stop at a vendor with jewelery. It was very beautiful and original. We talked to the vendor named "Auto" from Columbia to find out more about the materials used. It was then that we first heard of the Tagua nut from Tagua trees. These trees are much like the palm tree and they can be found in rainforests in South America. You will also hear it called the vegetable ivory as it really does look like ivory. This use for tagua has helped both the enviornment and the wildlife. The demand to kill elephants for their tusks is much less. Thankfully this also encourages protection and reforestation in what otherwise would be destroyed rainforests. Not to mention this has created much needed jobs. Auto's jewelery also used materials such as coconut, turquoise and leather.

    Monday, July 03, 2006

    De la Guarda

    De La Guarda an Argentinian theatre/dance troupe. UNBELIEVABLE, sensational, sensual and exotic ride that will leave you wondering when you can go next. It's a show, a party, an event, a madhouse, and a spectacle. Make sure to wear comfortable clothes you will not mind gettting wet or soiled. Check out the
  • De la Guarda website
  • Sunday, July 02, 2006

    Compagnia di Valerio Festi

    Compagnia di Valerio Festi is a magical theatre company that uses the sky and outdoors as their stage combining dance, music, lights and imaginative props of unimaginable size. If you are not lucky enough to see the performance live you can see a video and gallery of pictures on the website.

  • Compagnia di Valerio Festi website