Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Happy Pride Weekend!

What a beautiful weekend for Pride. From the performances, beer tents, parties to the parade this is definately one of my favourite celebrations in Toronto. It is a time to celebrate differences and coming together.

  • The Pride 2006 website
  • Friday, June 09, 2006

    World Cup Soccer 2006

    The day has finally come which many people have anticipated for four years! Today is the opening game of the 2006 World Cup Soccer at noon with the Host Germany and Costa Rica. My father is especially happy because he grew up in Germany and I think this World Cup will be very good for Germany. They have two things on their side. One is that they are the home team which gives a lot of crowd support and two is that they have a really promising team right now. It is incredible to see the excitement build in the fellow soccer lovers. The excitement and pride in their team is unstoppable! We are so lucky that the World Cup is only every four years because if it was every year this incredible feeling would most likely diminish.

  • The Official Site of FIFA World Cup
  • Wednesday, June 07, 2006

    Le Parkour "Free Running"

    During those get to know you talks while mingling people often ask "what is your favourite sport to watch" and usually people respond hockey, basketball or soccer. Well for the past few years I have been following this relatively new sport (you could even call it ART) called Le Parkour or in English "Free Running". These athletes use many different dangerous methods to run through cities as exciting as scaling walls, roof-running and leaping from building to building. I hear it as a cry to break free from the confinements and rules of the city walls. If the discipline in training for this sport is not taken seriously it could be fatal.

  • Free Running website
  • Tuesday, June 06, 2006

    aluCine Festival

    It is the 7th year for the aluCine Festival and tonight I watched an incredible film! "Musiques Rebelles Americas" (Rebel Music Americas) is a film that travels through Latin America and opens your eyes to social movements through music of artists who have taken up their causes. My favourite part of the film is of the children who sing their song which is a plead to their president of peace. It will both break and open your heart at the same time.

  • aluCine website

  • Rebel Music Americas website
  • Sunday, June 04, 2006

    In Your Own Backyard

    Whenever you don't have the time or money to fly away for vacation remember there might just be something in your own backyard that will bring you peace. Just below are links to a few places I like to hike, camp, canoe or visit in our very own Ontario.

  • Algonquin Park

  • Bruce Trail

  • Forks of The Credit River and Mono Cliffs Provincial Parks

  • Credit Valley Conservation

  • Elora

  • St. Jacobs

  • Niagra on The Lake

  • Toronto Beaches