Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Guardian Angels TO

Today I was stopped by a news reporter and asked would I join the Guardian Angels. I flat out said NO. She asked if I think it would help with the gang violence in Toronto. I explained that no I do not think kids need more people around to look their nose down at them. On the contrary kids need more social services that provide things to do and mentors to look up to. They also need to have more activities, sports, courses and inspirational speakers at schools to keep kids interested and hopeful for a future without having to join a gang. Schools have drastically cut the Arts over the years. This is so sad because music, art, drama and writing are incredible outlets when you are feeling lost or misguided. As well they could have more Co-Op type programs or career field trips for highschool kids to inspire ideas and direction to look forward to. It all begins at home as well parents need to be involved in their kids life and they need as much support as they can get to provide food and shelter for their children. Kids are going to school hungry. Some kids may join gang activity to make money to help support themselves and maybe even for their family. The community needs to open their eyes and help eachother and not just let this escalate even further.


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